Bootle, Corney, Whicham & Whitbeck

Baptism Services

Baptism (sometimes called "Christening") is perhaps the most important Christian sacrament: it marks the beginning of a person's life as a Christian and as a member of the Christian church. The Church of England traditionally baptises people when they are babies or small children, although increasingly adults also seek baptism.

In the Black Combe Churches, Baptism services are normally arranged on a Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm. Please contact the Vicar to discuss a suitable date.

If you wish to have your child baptised, or if you are seeking baptism for yourself, please contact the Vicar in the first instance. He will usually arrange a visit to discuss the baptism and to make the necessary arrangements.


During the baptism service, the child's parents and godparents will be asked to make various commitments on behalf of the child, and will be asked to help bring the child up within the faith and fellowship of the church. Godparents may be friends or relatives of the child's parents. The tradition is for a boy to have two godfathers and one godmother, and for a girl to have one godfather and two godmothers, but there are no hard rules about this.

What is important is that the Godparents take seriously the promises and undertakings they make during the baptism service.