Bootle, Corney, Whicham & Whitbeck
The Reverend Philip Dorling
Rector of the Seatallan Benefice of Churches in Carlisle Diocese

Mission Community Leader for the South Calder Mission Community

The Rectory, Wasdale Road, Gosforth, Seascale. Cumbria. CA201AZ
Tel: 01946 725102 Mob: 07500 239684


If you are a person with Internet access, you might like to join in with one of the two Zoom services hosted in our area. They are both very welcoming, ecumenical in character and attracting between 40 and 60 people... so you will not find yourself on your own!:

10.30am Family Zoom service from the South Calder Mission Community hosted by St Mary's Church Gosforth.
If you would like an invitation to this service please email or ring the Revd Philip Dorling on 01946 725102 or 07500 239684.

19.00hrs (7.00pm) Virtual Phoenix Evening Worship hosted by Jill and Keith Hudson.
An upbeat service with music of all sorts. For an invitation please email or ring Keith and Jill on 01946 721592